Meet records continue to tumble, while Maharashtra’s Shadab Pathan added 5,000m gold to his kitty on the final day of the third edition of the National Open U-23 Athletics Championships being held at the Sector 7, Sports Complex, Chandigarh.
Rajasthan’s Yashvir Singh hurled the spear to a distance of 78.12m to better the previous meet record of 76.97m in the name of Rishabh Nehra.
Haryana’s Jyoti on her way to winning gold was also successful in breaking the previous meet record of Karishma Sanil (51.07m set in 2022). Jyothi’s gold-medal winning throw was 52.77m.
In men’s high jump, Md Asraf Ali of West Bengal cleared 2.15m which was better than the meet record of 2.13m in the name of Kaustubha Jaiswal set in 2022.
Away from the field event, Odisha’s sprinter Animesh Kujur clocked 20.87 seconds to win 200m gold and better his own meet record of 21.12 seconds.
Karnataka’s Abhin B Devadiga won silver with a time of 20.99 secs and dipped below the meet record.
Maharashtra’s distance runner Pathan continued his good run, winning 5,000m track gold on the final day with a time of 14:06.10 seconds to erase the old meet record of 14:13.92. The top four runners improved the previous meet record. Earlier, on the opening day Pathan won 10,000m gold.
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