In Gurugram, a young man’s eagerly anticipated online date, which began with hopes of creating lasting memories, took an alarming turn, leaving him with a distressing experience. This unfortunate incident unfolded during a Bumble rendezvous, where the man claimed that a woman, after allegedly drugging him at his DLF Phase 4 residence, vanished with his mobile phone, valuable gold jewelry, and siphoned off a substantial sum of Rs 1.78 lakh from his bank accounts, according to the local police.
The victim, Rohit Gupta, recounted in his official complaint that he had met a woman named Sakshi, also known as Payal, through the Bumble online dating app. Gupta shared that the woman conveyed that her roots were in Delhi and that her current residence was with her aunt in Gurugram.
“On October 1, she called me and said she wanted to meet me. Around 10 pm, she called me to pick her up from near Dockyard Bar in Sector 47. I picked her up and then bought some liquor from a nearby shop and came to my house,” Gupta said in his complaint.
At his house, the woman asked him to go to the kitchen to bring ice, and when he was away, she spiked his drink with some drug.
“The effect of the drug was so severe that I woke up on the morning of October 3. I found the woman was missing, as were my gold chain, an iPhone 14 Pro, Rs 10,000 in cash, and credit and debit cards.
“I found Rs 1.78 lakh were also withdrawn through my credit and debit cards,” Gupta said in his complaint, according to police.
The woman, who is still at large, was booked at Sector 29 Police Station on Tuesday, police said.
(With inputs from PTI)
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