Kolkata Knight Riders are having their moment in the sun. The Shah Rukh Khan-owned team clinched the IPL trophy after a decade, with Mitchell Starc declared ‘Player of the Match’, Sunil Narine deemed ‘Most Valuable Player’ of IPL 2024, and the players securing the Rs 20 crore cash prize. The winning team beat Sunrisers Hyderabad by eight wickets, with Aussie pacer Mitchell Starc playing a crucial role, claiming two important wickets and granting a mere 14 runs in his three overs.
Starc also emerged as the most expensive player in IPL history; brought on to Kolkata Knight Riders for a whopping Rs 24.75 crore. This is more than Pat Cummins, captain of Sunrisers Hyderabad, who was picked up for Rs 20.5 crore. Incidentally, this year marked the fast bowler’s return to the IPL after eight long years. Prior to his KKR stint, Starc was playing for Royal Challengers Bangalore.
The latest IPL remuneration has only amplified his overall net worth, which includes a number of sprawling mansions in Sydney, an extensive car collection, brand endorsements, cricket contracts and more.
Meet Mitchell Starc, the most expensive IPL player at Rs 24 Crore, who has a Rs 207 Crore mansion in Australia, a Lamborghini Huracán EVO, and a net worth of Rs 174 crore
A sprawling mansion worth Rs 207 crore in North Sydney
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