Customs officials at the Pune airport on Friday arrested a passenger for smuggling gold paste worth ₹73 lakhs. The arrested individual was travelling from Dubai to Pune on a Spicejet flight SG-152 on Friday, January 20 and was found concealing the yellow metal in his undergarments. According to officials, this is the third incident of gold smuggling caught at Pune airport in the last 10 days.
According to the press release issued by the Customs Department, one passenger arriving from Dubai to Pune aboard Spicejet SG-152 on January 20 was intercepted. During a personal search, two pouches with gold paste concealed in his undergarments were discovered. The gold paste weighed 1,356 grams and is priced at ₹73.28 lakh. The passenger was arrested and gold was seized.
In the other two incidents, one passenger arriving from Dubai to Pune on January 14 was intercepted. It was revealed that she was wearing raw gold bangles and a pendant weighing 153.56 grams and carrying 2400 sticks of cigarettes, 4 kg of tobacco, and four packs of high-end perfumes valued at ₹11.28 lakh of smuggled goods.
On January 11, one person arriving from Dubai was apprehended, and a belt buckle made of 24k gold worth ₹9.6 lakh was seized.
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