Ajith, a prominent actor in South India, recently purchased a Ferrari worth Rs 9 crore during his trip to Dubai. Known for his love of racing, Ajith’s latest acquisition has generated significant buzz on social media. The actor, currently involved in multiple film projects including ‘Vidaamuyarchi’ and ‘Good Bad Ugly’, continues to captivate fans both on and off the screen.
Ajith Buys Ferrari SF90 for Rs 9 crores | Image Credit: Ajithkumar_samrajyam (Instagram)
Key Highlights
- Ajith buys a Ferrari worth ₹9 crore in Dubai, adding to his impressive collection of luxury cars.
- The actor is currently filming ‘Vidaamuyarchi’ and preparing for ‘Good Bad Ugly’ under renowned directors.
- Speculation is high about Ajith’s upcoming project with director Prashanth Neel, exciting fans and the industry.
New Delhi: Ajith, one of South India’s most prolific actors, has recently made headlines with his latest luxury car purchase. Known for his passion for racing and high-end automobiles, Ajith has added a Ferrari worth ₹9 crore to his impressive collection. This acquisition took place during his recent visit to Dubai, where he was also filming for his upcoming movie ‘Vidaamuyarchi’.
Ajith’s love for fast cars and bikes is well-documented. Often seen indulging in his passion during breaks from his hectic filming schedule, Ajith took the opportunity in Dubai to test-drive and ultimately buy the Ferrari. This addition has caused quite a stir on social media, with fans eagerly discussing his latest prized possession. Ajith’s car collection now includes a Lamborghini valued at ₹34 crore, a Land Rover Discovery, a Mercedes Benz, and several other high-end vehicles.
Professionally, Ajith is currently juggling multiple film projects. He recently completed a schedule for ‘Vidaamuyarchi’ in Azerbaijan and is set to continue shooting the final scenes in Chennai under the direction of Magizh Thirumeni. Following this, he will move on to ‘Good Bad Ugly’, directed by Adhik Ravichandran. Ajith’s dedication to his craft and his ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously has made him one of the busiest and most respected actors in the industry.
Adding to the excitement, there is a substantial buzz around Ajith’s potential collaboration with renowned director Prashanth Neel. This project, still in the rumour stage, has already generated considerable anticipation among fans and industry insiders. If confirmed, it promises to be a significant milestone in Ajith’s illustrious career.
Ajith’s life, both personal and professional, continues to captivate his audience. His latest Ferrari purchase is not just a testament to his success but also a reflection of his enduring love for racing and luxury cars. As he continues to navigate his busy film schedule, fans eagerly await his next on-screen performance and any further additions to his enviable car collection.
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